OMNI is a cutting edge hardware and software solution composed of 4 main components.
Explore the slides below to learn how they work together to enhance safety, security, and accountability in your correctional facility.
OMNI is a cutting edge hardware and software solution composed of 4 main components. Explore the slides below to learn more about each.

OMNI is a cutting edge hardware and software solution composed of 4 main components.
Explore the slides below to learn how they work together to enhance the safety, security, and accountability in your correctional facility.
OMNI is a cutting edge hardware and software solution composed of 4 main components. Explore the slides below to learn more about each.
Find out why the OMNI Real Time Location System is the very best way to track and record the locations and interactions of all inmates and assets, through every square inch of your correctional facility, in real time.
OMNI's positioning accuracy is so precise it can be used to track proximity between two or more inmates. This means you can know every individual any inmate came in contact with at any time. Want to know who Inmate Smith was around from 11:23AM to 1:15PM on October 28th? Simply run an OMNI contact report and find out.

OMNI's built-in emergency response alarm protects your greatest asset, your correctional officers. One press of the alarm button sends an immediate notification to designated staff members, directing them of the exact location help is needed. This greatly reduces your emergency response times and empowers your officers in the process.

The OMNI Software Platform
OMNI is easily deployed in any correctional environment, unlike RFID or UWB systems that require the purchase of proprietary hardware for field use. OMNI is safe, secure, and ready to be deployed on any computer or tablet you already own.
OMNI collects and provides critical inmate health, scheduling, location, and correctional information in a simple, clean layout. This information automatically updates across all users and devices the second a change occurs, informing staff and helping them stay vigilant in challenging correctional environments.
OMNI utilizes the latest in tracking technology to accurately locate all inmates, staff and assets. Far superior to dated RFID or UWB technology, OMNI is capable of locating targets within 10 inches of their real-world location. These locations are seamlessly updated 5 times every second!
Cutting-edge software automatically displays the accurate locations and interactions of all inmates, staff, and assets anywhere in your correctional facility, in real time.
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The OMNI Tamper-Proof Inmate Bracelet
The OMNI bracelet locking mechanism contains sensors that alert if the lock has been picked, tampered with, or opened when not intended. A standard cuff key is used for proper removal, when desired.
This compact, waterproof and impact resistant bracelet contains a 4-month capacity rechargeable battery, an NFC chip, an accurate heart rate monitor and a haptics engine. The bracelet collects location and biometric data then transmits it for storage. It can easily be removed from one inmate, recharged, and issued to another.
Special sensors, built into the bracelet band, will alert OMNI immediately if they detect a cut, tear or break. You will also get an immediate alert if the inmate’s heart rate goes above or below a predetermined and modifiable range.
OMNI tamper-proof inmate bracelets are designed specifically for use within a harsh correctional environment. The compact, waterproof, and tamper-proof design continuously reports the heart rate and precise location of its wearer with industry leading accuracy!
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The OMNI Bluetooth Base Station
Layout, installation, and final testing of the OMNI base stations are all part of the one-time custom design and hardware installation services OMNI will provide your facility. The exact scope and final costs of these services will depend on the needs, size, and complexity of your particular structure.
The slim, tamper-resistant device is securely installed to the ceilings throughout your facility. The power supply and required network connection is provided through a single RJ45 ethernet connection. Outdoor waterproof models (not pictured) are available to provide coverage in outdoor yards, recreation enclosures or even perimeter fences.
OMNI base stations are strategically installed throughout your facility and track all the activity within. They’re powerful enough to receive the accurate location and heartrate data of every inmate inside complex, secured multi-cell housing units, without ever needing to be installed inside a cell. A single base station can track the location and biometric data of thousands of targets simultaneously.
OMNI is specifically designed to meet your correctional facility’s needs. OMNI Bluetooth base stations are installed throughout your correctional facility in any areas you wish to monitor inmate or staff activity. These modern, compact receivers track thousands of targets simultaneously and immediately alert in the case of a malfunction or failure.
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The OMNI Staff Cards & Assets Tags
OMNI staff cards have NFC (near field communication) capabilities and can be programmed to open doors or perform similar access controls. Each card operates a full year before the battery needs to be recharged, which is done quickly with a standard USB-C cord.
OMNI staff cards are incredibly compact and extremely versatile. They can be carried on a duty belt, in a pocket, or on their included breakaway lanyard. The emergency response button gives your staff members the ability to request immediate assistance to their exact location and can activated or disabled, depending on your facility’s needs.
OMNI Asset tags can be attached to any object you wish to track. The one shown here easily attaches to keysets, but other models come in various shapes and sizes to allow for tracking of medical equipment or restricted tools. OMNI asset tags can operate a full year on a single replaceable battery. An emergency assistance alarm is present on some models and can be activated if it suits your facility’s needs.
OMNI staff cards and asset tags are designed with safety in mind. Staff cards and asset tags can be issued to each staff member or attached to valuable assets like keysets. Each card and tag have their own unique emergency response button. When pressed, OMNI alerts you of the exact location help is needed, allowing for a fast and accurate response.
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OMNI automatically tracks and records the location of every inmate throughout your correctional facility. This means you can know every room or space any specific inmate occupied at any given time.
Want to know where Inmate Smith was from 10:15AM to 12:35PM on July 15th? Simply run an OMNI occupancy report and find out.